Firewood Delivery

Firewood Delivered in Northern Virginia

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Enjoy Lower Energy Costs By The Fire

There is nothing cozier on a cold night than a warm, crackling fire, right? With home heating costs skyrocketing these days, it’s no surprise some homeowners are turning to firewood to heat their homes. If you’re concerned with energy costs and are considering firewood as an alternative or if you just enjoy the atmosphere of a roaring fire, call Absolute Tree to schedule your firewood delivery.

Why “Wood” You Choose Our Firewood?

Firewood gathered and stacked up, ready for delivery by Absolute Tree Service Inc.

There are roughly 35 million fireplaces in American homes today. That’s a lot of firewood! But don't burn just any type of wood in your fireplace. It’s important to know where your fuel comes from, which is why you should always purchase and buy your firewood locally.

Due to the possibility of tree-killing insects and diseases that can lurk in firewood (including spongy moth and thousand cankers disease), Fairfax and Prince William counties in Northern Virginia are under quarantine, meaning you cannot move firewood out of those areas. Visit for details about firewood movement in Virginia.

To keep things simple, call Absolute Tree.

We can cut, bundle, and deliver all of your local firewood directly to your Fairfax county home. But if you're planning a camping trip to one of Virginia's beautiful state or national parks, leave the firewood at home; wait until you arrive at your destination to buy a bundle of local wood for your outdoor fire.

What We Offer

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Locally sourced wood that is clean, insect-free and dry

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Split, fully-seasoned, hardwood firewood

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Delivery is included in the price so there are no surprises

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Easy-order bundles are available in half cords, full cords, or bulk quantities

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Rush services available (these orders are filled within 24 hours)

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Many hardwood blends

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Firewood delivery throughout the Northern Virginia area


At Your Service

We take pride in delivering the very best products to our customers. In addition to tree pruning and maintenance, we also can handle all of your firewood questions, concerns and delivery requests.

Absolute Tree is available for firewood delivery service in Northern Virginia, including the following cities: Alexandria, Springfield, Arlington, Vienna, Falls Church, Annandale, Burke, Fairfax, Fairfax Station, Great Falls and McLean.

Call us today at 703-969-6207 for quick and easy firewood delivery!

Firewood Prices (Delivery Included!)

All of our seasoned firewood is 100% oak for the best fireplace, firepit, or wood-burning oven experience. Easy to light, burns hot, pest-free.

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Full Cord (4' x 4' 8'): $450

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Half Cord (4' x 4' x 4'): $250

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Any delivery outside of a 8 mile range we charge $50 delivery fee.

Call 703-969-6207 today to place your firewood order


Absolute Tree was able to schedule delivery within a week. They delivered every bit of a cord of dry seasoned oak. My best experience with firewood yet. This was the first time I have used Absolute Tree, and based on this delivery, I would recommend them.

Gary L.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Firewood

Yes! We deliver firewood.

No. We will drop the wood in your driveway but do not stack firewood.

Absolute Tree Service does sell wood year-round, but we deliver most firewood in the fall and winter months.

For firewood delivery in Northern Virginia, call Absolute Tree Service at 703-969-6207 or contact us online


Firewood Delivery Area

We deliver seasoned, hardwood firewood throughout most of the Northern Virginia area, including the following cities:

If you need firewood or have any questions about our wood or delivery service, give us a call at 703-969-6207 or contact us online.